Thursday, March 27, 2008

More Tips for Beating Writer's Block

3. Print your work. This sounds simple enough. Similar to changing fonts and spacing, printing your work gives a new perspective. It also helps you see things you may have overlooked. Many times I’ve printed my work and took it with me to a completely different location to read it. With a pen in hand, I jotted down notes as new ideas came to me.

4. Read aloud and record it. Hearing your story read aloud brings it to life. It also lets you know if your story flows naturally. This technique is great if you’re experiencing writer’s block with your dialog. If you aren’t able to record yourself, have someone else read the scene to you.

5. Take a break. This tip seems easy enough. If writer’s block becomes a problem, take 5-10 minutes to get a snack, read the newspaper, or go for a walk. This will revive your mind before you jump back into your work.

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