ATTENTION! **News Alert**
Top medical experts have discovered two new epidemics sweeping the land: WPD and SAI, more commonly known as Writer’s Procrastination Disorder and Short Attention Issues. Okay, I obviously made these up, but if you’re reading this, you’re probably suffering from these ailments. Answer yes or no to the following questions:
Do you have difficulty staying focused when you write?
Do you start a project and never finish?
Do you frequently suffer from writer’s block?
Are you easily distracted when you write?
Do you make excuses for not finishing your book?
Answering ‘yes’ to any of the above questions confirms your writing ‘scatterbrain-ness’. Don’t fret, I will do my best to help you overcome WPD and SAI.
The other day, a woman said to me: “I start writing and then another idea pops in my head. I can’t focus. After a while, I get bored.”
I fully understood her predicament. I had the same problem when I started writing, hence my self-given moniker, “Scatterbrained writer.” I was low in the patience, focus, and discipline departments. I used many excuses for not being able to finish. Let’s start with excuse #1, writer’s block.
Is writer’s block real or is it just an excuse for procrastinating? I say it’s a mixture of both. There’s an old saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Well, writing a book is the same way. The journey of writing a book or short story begins with one word. However, journeys have obstacles. Writer’s block is an obstacle you can conquer!
**Stay tuned. Soon I will be discussing strategies I use to beat writer’s block!
Top medical experts have discovered two new epidemics sweeping the land: WPD and SAI, more commonly known as Writer’s Procrastination Disorder and Short Attention Issues. Okay, I obviously made these up, but if you’re reading this, you’re probably suffering from these ailments. Answer yes or no to the following questions:
Do you have difficulty staying focused when you write?
Do you start a project and never finish?
Do you frequently suffer from writer’s block?
Are you easily distracted when you write?
Do you make excuses for not finishing your book?
Answering ‘yes’ to any of the above questions confirms your writing ‘scatterbrain-ness’. Don’t fret, I will do my best to help you overcome WPD and SAI.
The other day, a woman said to me: “I start writing and then another idea pops in my head. I can’t focus. After a while, I get bored.”
I fully understood her predicament. I had the same problem when I started writing, hence my self-given moniker, “Scatterbrained writer.” I was low in the patience, focus, and discipline departments. I used many excuses for not being able to finish. Let’s start with excuse #1, writer’s block.
Is writer’s block real or is it just an excuse for procrastinating? I say it’s a mixture of both. There’s an old saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Well, writing a book is the same way. The journey of writing a book or short story begins with one word. However, journeys have obstacles. Writer’s block is an obstacle you can conquer!
**Stay tuned. Soon I will be discussing strategies I use to beat writer’s block!