Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is It Hard to Write a Book?


I don’t lie or sugarcoat the truth. Writing a book is extremely tough for a scatterbrain. Heck, writing a book is tough for just about anyone. It requires extreme focus and commitment. To achieve writing success, you must discipline yourself, trick yourself, and sometimes force yourself to complete the task. Some days you’ll want to throw your laptop across the room, bang your head against the wall or maybe both! No matter how tough it seems, keep going, keep writing! I can’t begin to count how many times I had an idea of where I wanted a story to go, but I had no idea how to get there.At the beginning, I was flowing, staying in the groove, and feeling good. When I started to reach the middle of the book, the meat, I felt like the worse writer ever. I’d go back to read my work and utter those famous words: “This sucks!” Spending large amounts of time alone staring at a computer or a notepad can get to you. It can take a toll mentally. You may start to see things in a distorted manner. I don’t mean literally, but metaphorically speaking. The same chapter that I thought was a complete piece of crap yesterday, may read much better three days from now. When writing your novel, your mind gets so saturated with your story that you become numb to your work. A good way to avoid this is to take short breaks. It’s perfectly okay to set your story aside for a few days and come back to it. The only problem is that with being a scatterbrain, other things may distract you. Before you know it, weeks, days or maybe weeks pass and now you’re feverishly working on three new projects! So, be careful!


Steve said...

Excellent blogs!

Yeah, it is a lot of work. And then, when you finish, you have to sell it, which takes almost as much time and energy. :-(

But these blogs are encouraging. And writing can be a very rewarding pursuit.

scatterbrained writer said...

Yes in indeed! Selling it is just as tough, if not tougher. I’ll focus mainly on the writing side of things for now. Later down the line, I may get into the 'business' side of writing.